Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP
“Reach The Zenith of Your NLP Ability…
Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP Training Programme”
Available by invitation only. The Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP is the world’s rarest and most advanced NLP training. Only a select few organisations are conferred the permission to run this training course by the Society of NLP and Dr Richard Bandler. The Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP indicates the pinnacle of NLP excellence.
Rarely seen, always respected.
This course is 6 days split over 2 modules of 3 days with a modelling project and case studies to complete between modules.
Unique and Individualised to Attendees
Each attendee would supply a wish list and then we will work with that help you get there. This will then be used to inform the structure of the course. Each Advanced Master Practitioner training will be a unique experience.
The Stronger the Foundation, The Higher You Can Go – Back to the Basics
A thorough review of the basic patterns and methods of NLP. “Advanced” is a red herring, it is about getting very, very good at the basics. The people I meet who are exceptional at NLP don’t have advanced knowledge or a “secret sauce”, it’s that they have taken the time to get very, very good at the foundation.
Case Studies – “Real World” Applications
I firmly believe that you can only really integrate NLP skills in the real world, outside of the rather artificial atmosphere of the training room. You can attend hundreds of courses and get hundreds of certificates but if you never apply what you have learned in the real world, you are wasting your time.
Therefore, to encourage you to do this, you will be asked to complete some case studies. Some of these “adventures” will be guided, some will be open to you to develop, carry out and report back on.
Modelling Project
One of the case studies will be a modelling project. Modelling is the foundation of NLP. You will be taken through the modelling and strategy elicitation, codification, integration and creation process and then be asked to model a person with a skill you would like to learn.
- State defines and dictates our behaviour, learn how to combining, creating and chaining states using all representational systems using a overt and covert anchors.
- Create and install unique states.
Advanced Language Strategies
- Recognising how we linguistically create our world.
- The Subject-Verb-Object sentence structure and how that effects our meta-programmes.
- How the major NLP language patterns co-exist, fit together and overlap and how to use them all seamlessly to create change.
- Understanding the Meta Model in the broader context of critical thinking, the Socratic Method and Bateson’s Metalogues.
Story Telling and Metaphor
Become an exquisite story teller. Finding and creating your own “story book” of metaphors, analogy and anecdotes that make you charismatic and magnetic communicator.
- Learn how to create and use nested loops and unconscious instillation.
- The important different types of metaphors and how and where to use them.
- Billy Connolly’s strategy for his unique story telling ability.
A Potpourri of NLP Techniques
Techniques are not NLP, they are the applications that have been developed from the technology of NLP. However, as an Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP you should be expected to understand and apply the classic techniques associated with NLP.
Become a Covert Agent of Change
- Making ChangeWork appear just like a chat! Utilising naturally occurring motivation and resource strategies to create conversational change.
- Develop strategies to utilise NLP in your chosen field or area of expertise.
This is a certified course, which means your certificate is granted by licence from the Society of NLP, formed in 1979 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is the first and largest NLP certification, training, validation and quality control organisation in the world.
Certification in this programme is based on demonstrations of competence, suitable attitude and appropriate experience according to the trainers’ criteria. We take certification seriously, and depending on your level of experience and ability we may ask that you gain further experience or take some additional training before full certification is granted.

£3,999 including VAT, certification fee, iPad, extra special bonuses and all course fees (£3,332.50 excl VAT).
Additional Bonuses
Below is a list of additional bonuses you get for booking on the NLP Practitioner training. I am very proud to have been able to develop and offer such a strong list of additional bonuses and believe this is one of the most comprehensive NLP trainings in the UK.
Complementary iPad*
Manuals are so old hat. So for my Practitioner training starting in 2012, you will now receive an iPadpreloaded with your official Society of NLP manual and additional learning materials and bonuses (see below). A £399 value.
Additional Learning Materials
As well as the comprehensive, Society of NLP Practitioner Manual you will also receive additional learning materials pre-loaded on your iPad, including: • NLP Exercise eManual • The Little eBook of NLP Techniques • Advanced Language Pattern Mastery Flashcards Vol 1.
Three Months Membership To The ANLP
The Association of NLP (ANLP) is one of the worlds leading NLP members organisation and gives you the oppunity to network, promote yourself and learn more about NLP
Follow Up Coaching Sessions
I recognise that you need sufficiant "fly time" in the real world when you have completed the training. So I give you 2 follow up coaching sessions via telephone, Skype or face to face, to ask any questions that you want.
Re-Attend The Practioner and Master Practitioner as My Guest
To make sure your skills are up to date before you start the Advanced Master Practitioner, you can re-attend the Practitioner and Master Practitioner immediately prior to this course as my personal guest.
How To Book
You can book online and pay via paypal, or you can download a pdf booking form if you would like to pay via cheque, company invoice or BACs.
Invitation Only
This course is invitation only, to be considered for invitation, please click here to fill out the application form.
iPad and Learning Materials
You will receive an iPad preloaded with all your course materials. This iPad is yours to keep.
Extra Special Bonuses
When you book your place you will also get additional bonuses worth over £799 that will increase your ability to perfect the skills you learn.
The investment is ONLY £3,999 including including VAT, certification fee, manual, extra special bonuses and all course fees (£1499.17 excl VAT).
Location - Birmingham
The location of the Birmingham NLP Practitioner training is the West Midlands Hypnotherapy Centre in South Birmingham, with ample parking easy to get to (10 minutes from Junction 2 of the M42).
Location - Cardiff
The location of the Cardiff NLP Practitioner training is R&R Consulting Centres in Heath, Cardiff, with ample parking easy to get to (15 minutes from Junction 32 of the M4).
On successful completion you will be awarded a certification as Licensed NLP Practitioner with the Society of NLP.
Invitation ONLY
Can’t Or Don’t Want to Attend an Open Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP Training?
I offer a variety of different ways to complete your NLP Practitioner Training from one-to-one tuition to in house and private trainings for companies and organisations.
If you have any questions at all, or want to discuss this training in more detail, please click here to contact me for more information, or call 0845 3 626277