About Our NLP

Not all NLP is equal...

With the increasing number of people offering some sort of NLP training, there is an increasing number of different descriptions of NLP. This is not really surprising since NLP is often described as the "study of the structure of subjective experience" so you will find that people often have their own interpretation of what it is and what it does.

Inspired and influenced by cybernetics, cognitive psychology, systems theory and linguistics  NLP is a model of how we think, behave and communicate (to ourselves and other people), which can be used to calculate and create change in a broad number of fields, disciplines and applications from therapy to sports to sales to management and education.


One of the members of the original research group, Robert Dilts has said that we live in the 3rd generation of NLP at the moment. Where NLP has grown beyond the original development group and is now out in the “wild” and many, many people are using and developing their own applications of NLP.

In this 3rd age, where anyone can use and develop NLP, it is important to demonstrate the appropriate lineage back to the original research group to make sure you are training with someone who has been taught NLP by someone who is as close to the original research group as possible.

There are a lot of people out there who are claiming to use or teach NLP who have no formal training whatsoever - BE WARNED!

Straight From The Source

The problem with this is that NLP can often be like a bad photocopy. A copy of a copy of a copy. With each “photocopy” the quality deteriorates.

My NLP comes straight from the source. I have trained with Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP and one of only a handful of trainers personally certified by him to be able to run NLP qualification courses.

What’s In A Name?

The name Neuro-Linguistic Programming was originally made up by Richard Bandler as “they had to call it something”. He often jokes that he made up his own field, so he didn’t have to specialise.

If we break NLP down into each word, we could describe it as:

Refers to our neurology, in particular our five senses and how we use them to gather information from and represent the world to ourselves.

Is about the words we use to describe our experiences and what that tells us about our subject representation. How the words we use shape our experiences and by changing the way we describe that experience (to ourselves and other people) we can change that experience.

Is about how we can (re)programme our thoughts and behaviour. We are not fixed and can “re-programme” our thoughts and behaviours in much the same way that we can re-programme a computer.